Events and Workshops
Advent Spiral Ceremony
I am inviting you to the most heart warming, soul filling and beautiful ceremony in this year!
2 years ago I got to learn and experience this ceremony, which I loved and my whole family did it also, they loved it too ( even my husband). So now it’s my turn to pass it along to you and maybe to your family. This is a second time I am doing it in a group.
We are going to work with the 4 qualities of Advent: Belief, Hope, Joy and Love / Hit, Remény, Öröm és Szeretet/
Humans use spirals and spiral lines since thousands of years. Last year I was in Ireland visiting 5000 years old tombs and everywhere you could see spirals carved in stones. So this is an ancient ‘tool’ and practice for transformation, letting go and calling in the new.
In this ceremony we are lighting the light of Love in our heart and soul and radiating it out!
You can use this spiral ceremony:
– if there is a blockage in you, something is not flowing – spiral can start the flow
– letting go outdated programming, wounds, pain, beliefs, patterns
– calling in the new, reinforcing who you want to become, or what you transform
– connecting with yourself
– connecting and working these 4 qualities in your life: belief, hope, joy and love
– if you want to do something beautiful, enchanted and be in a safe and intimate community
– stepping out of daily life monotony, rattle in to sacred space
This ceremony is welcoming every woman who wants to be part of this soul nourishing experience, we respect every religion, nationality, skin color.
During the event you can share, there will be a time and space for that, however, you don’t need to. If you feel like you can keep it very intimate and turning fully in. So, it’s not something where you need to speak about yourself if you don’t want to. The ceremony and the whole event is built around the explanation and the experiencing, so you can fully immerse in your own experience, however our group presence will heighten this energy. If you want to share, or you have questions, you are very welcome to do so.
When: 07.12.2024 Saturday I’ll open up a second group 15:00-17:30
Where: Place du Tomberg 18, 1200 Yogaloft small room – my new cabinet
How many: places are very limited, because we all walk the spiral and it takes time, maximum 6 persons
Exchange: 50 € – which includes the workshop and the materials for setting up a beautiful spiral
You can book your place by clicking here
Please share it with your friend, or who might need this Love lighting or transformation!
Really hope to see you there!
Visioning & Planning 2024 Online Workshop + Free Cyclical living workshop
7th January 2024 Sunday 18:00-19:30
Zoom & also in live Place du Tomberg 18, 1200 WSLHello Dear Beautiful Woman!
It’s a tradition now! Yeah! I am doing again the visioning and planning workshop for 2024!
I was thinking about planning and I’ve finally realized it was always so important me and gave a lot of scaffolding and structure.
But in the past I used it very differently, not so much aligned with my feminine energy and cycle. The deadlines, the amount of goals… were unrealistic.
Then, there was a time when I totally gave it up. After my stillbirth experience, I felt I lost control over EVERYTHING. I went totally the opposite end. From planning fanatic to a dark passive phase. I took couple of years, when I started to feel, I do have control over certain things. This huge breaking point, helped me to soften, hearing and feeling more myself realistically. Then an internal transformation started within me, spiced with Covid era…..first it was again the feeling loosing my power and control once more, but the volume was way less. So again this planning shifted hugely in me.
Seeing this, I am sure I’ll have couple of more initiations like this, but harvest and transformation always came.
I am also sure, at least once in your life, you’ve felt some kind of same loss of control or footing or maybe you are in the midst of it.
Now my intention with planning ( and with this workshop) to get closer to my core self, true desires and to hear AND listen to my inner voice. And not overwhelm or kill myself with the lots of things in the back of my mind and shoulds….
I see it as a success if I could realized at least 1 thing from my yearly intentions! Why? Because, I know that 1 thing is at least ALIGNED with myself! And that is what matters ( at least for me).
This workshop won’t be totally the same like previous years, however visioning and planning your year is the topic, so similar things understandably will come up. I keep the masculine container for time and structure sake but the we fill it with feminine qualities. It is not really about going through the same things ( because the important parts of our life stays the same) but more like being present for yourself and doing it together.
This time is ABOUT YOU, connecting with your intentions, your needs, your longings and dreams!
Also I learned a lot from previous years so this workshop will be digestible 90 minutes, where you can still keep your focus and your time commitment! You’ll start your process, connecting what is important for you and you can go back to this to unpack it.
It’s an intention map for 2024.
We are going to combine coaching and intuitive work with meditation/ visualization to really hear your inner voice. We connect the head and the heart and the womb our creative center.
– Closing 2023 with your core take away and a short but powerful visualization ( you can do it also with open eye with movement!)
– Focusing 5 big area of Life. Visioning, feeling in to it, connecting with the missing link/ block and knowing our first step which feels good for us in the body ( not only in your head)
– Journaling, meditation, visualization
– Word of the year / intention of the year
– The 1 Big thing in 2024
– Closing meditation and giving permission to yourself
By the end of the workshop you’ll know which is the most important area of your life where you need to put more love and attention in 2024 and how you’ll do it!
This workshop has a yang container and yin tools. So with the masculine energy we’ll have a structure, pace and we are using exercises with the feminine energy how you tune in to yourself.
With this container we are not going to do tons of shares, we’ll share only at the end, to keep the timing and the flow, but we’ll certainly will be connected and you can always ask. 🙂
New! This year you’ll get a Cyclical living masterclass too as a gift! I am so excited about this. I spent a lot of time researching and experimenting on myself in the last years and can’t wait to share this with you. It will be an updated and extended version what I did in the past. I’ll talk about the hormones too and it is very important for us whether we still have menstrual cycle or not. I work with cyclical principles in coaching and in body work more and more and I really see how women can find peace and calm in it.
It will be a prerecorded masterclass. This alone worth to do the workshop! :))
When: 06. 01. 2024 Saturday 18:00-19:30 ( I tend to go over if there is flow, the maximum is until 20:00)
We had the same timing last year and it worked the most of you, hope it will work this year too, you can always tell me.
Where: Zoom & also in live – NEW if you don’t have a space to retreat yourself or want deeper energetic immersion, you can let me know and come to the cabinet in live- testing for the needs.If it will be hibrid, who is online still will participate the same!
Recording of the workshop will be available if the timing is not good for you or you want to replay it!
Exchange: 39 € – early bird until end of November ( last year price 🙂 ), 45 € – from December
I acknowledge the personal needs, blocks, sometimes is not so easy to get to the bottom of it. So if you feel you prefer a personal follow up, it is available. Individual session will be scheduled after the workshop.
2024 Visioning & Planning Workshop with 30 min. individual strategy session: 75 € ( instead 84 €)
2024 Visioning & Planning Workshop with 60 min. individual clarity session: 100 € ( instead 119 €)
2024 Visioning & Planning Workshop with 90 min. individual strategy session: 119 € ( instead 139 €)If you feel called to give time to yourself to place the basis for your 2024 and show up more in your life, email me and reserve your spot!
You are not interested? No problem, if you know a Sister who is, please share this opportunity!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Summer Feel Good Movement Workshops Online Live
All workshops need minimal or no equipment and will be cut for short home practice!
35 € / workshop online Live & recordings or 120 € for the 4 workshops
You’ll have an entire short, doable home practice for the summer!
1st July 18:30 Flexibility & detox : working with fascia & lymphatic drainage
Finally I decided to teach a quick but very powerful daily lymphatic technique which will help your body to organically restore your detoxification of your body helping you with your health, hormonal balance, stiff joints, fluid retention… Like there is no point where it doesn’t help, it is so essential to have a good lymphatic circulation, but our sedentary life style, stress, quality of food influences it very quickly.
Then we work on the fascia with movements to loosen up, re-modell, working on the good biomechanics of the joints and having supple, flexible soft tissues and joints! If you feel you are doing your stretchings but it’s not enough this session will be the missing link in your as usual body work out!
You’ll have the full recordings and cut short versions for daily summer practice!
This is a movement class and the first (maybe only) time I teach the lymphatic technique!
(Lymph drainage during summer, when tissues are loose and swollen… is the best thing what you can do for your body! )
8th July 18:30 Core work: abs, side torso muscles ( muffin top ) and lower back muscles & stretching & mobility
Our main focus is on the core with activation and strengthening. And of course we start and complete with mobility and stretching! 🙂
You’ll have the full recordings and cut short versions for daily summer practice!
15th July 18:30 Neck & Shoulder & Hip Health
Mobility, strengthening and stretching for these 3 high demand areas.
You’ll have the full recordings and cut short versions for daily summer practice!
22nd July 18:30 B & B : Back & Buttocks work & Leg stretching
Full spinal mobility, back muscle strengthening, hip mobility, buttocks strengthening & stretching
You’ll have the full recordings and cut short versions for daily summer practice!
Cycles of Women’s Life & Hormonal Balance Online Masterclass is available here: